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Water Risk & Investing

In February, 2023 a new book was published by Palgrave MacMillan entitled: Water Risk Modeling
Developing Risk-Return Management Techniques in Finance and Beyond.
This book sheds light on the topic of financial water risk by examining the modeling challenges associated with physical, regulatory, and reputational water risk in finance. It explores various approaches to operationalize water risk from a financial analysis, investment management, and climate science perspective.  Markus authored a key chapter in the book entitled: Measuring Water Risk: The Challenges for Passive Investment.

Water Risk

To mark World Water Day 2022, Markus Barth, CEO of Anatase, looks at the challenges and possible solutions for investors looking to manage water risks.

Growth & Value 1999

There has always been some uncertainty as to the construction methodology of the MSCI Growth and Value Indices, and we find many shortcomings in the MSCI methodology.

Water Security

Taking action on water risks is essential for climate action and it makes business sense.  That is the business and investment case for Global Water Security, a case that has yet to include the establishment of a fair price for Water that the Global Commission on Economics on Water is working on. A price for water and the creation of a water credit similar to the carbon credit ensures additional upside for investing in global water security


Photonics is the science of harnessing light to benefit humankind. Behind this definition lies a broad range of applications. And yet people rarely recognise just how many photonic technologies are involved in their daily life.

ML Index Research

As far back as 1999, Markus was publishing research on his self-developed Style Indices for each major EU country.  These indices formed the underlying of some of the first-ever launched Certificates in Europe.

Big Man's Brew

In 2015, Markus began his involvement with the development of a licensing business linked to Clarence Clemons, Bruce Springsteen's saxophonist and musical collaborator, who is considered a living legend in the industry.   Markus's expertise in marketing and branding in the investment arena proved invaluable in designing a model for retail products associated with Clarence Clemons' image.  Big Man’s Brew was founded by Nick Clemons, as a tribute to the legacy of his father and dedicated to celebrating his life and music through special events, collaborations and initiatives.

Shari'a Equity Index

In 2005, Markus was asked to pen a chapter on Islamic finance in the EUROMONEY published text entitled "Islamic Retail Banking and Finance" edited by Sohail Jaffer. This was the result of his development of the first-ever

Shari'a compliant investable long-equity index.

EMU Implications 1998

There was considerable analysis and discussion in mid 1998 regarding EMU and its effects on Euroland. It was our belief then that many of the suggested structural changes to the European equity markets would not occur at all.


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